Robin Greenfield’s Commitment to Financial Transparency
A majority of our leaders and role models today are influenced deeply by money and corporations. Most of our national politicians put corporate interests over the interests of the people they are elected to serve. Celebrities are paid vast sums of money to sell their fans on stuff people don’t really need. Many social media “influencers” have pages that are more about paid product endorsements than about their life or what their page claims to be about.
We live in a world where we are constantly inundated with ads to buy, buy, buy. We are told that we’ll be happier with more stuff. We’ll be happier with luxurious items. Love, sex and success will come to us if we can attain a certain image through material wealth.
I refuse to contribute to this materialism and consumerism.
I want to be an example that demonstrates that happiness comes from within – that material possessions and financial wealth won’t bring us happiness. I want every child and adult to know that they are complete and loved, just the way they are.
I want to be a leader who does not make my decisions based on personal financial or material gain. A leader who stands in integrity and is not influenced or corruptible by corporations. I want to be true to my word and act from a place of service before myself. I refuse to compromise my ethics and morals for money. I refuse to let companies gain access to the people who follow me simply because I want something from the corporation.
One of the greatest tools available to keep me accountable is a commitment to personal transparency. By making each financial relationship that I have with companies public, I encourage myself to do what is in the best interest of those I’m in service to. I am unable to hide my actions.
I also aim to serve as an example to politicians, celebrities, CEOs and people of power. I aim to demonstrate how to practice financial transparency, and I hope to inspire others to practice transparency as well.
I simply want to live with honesty, integrity and transparency each day of my life.
This page was first created November 6th, 2018 and last updated January 15th, 2025.
My Personal Income Transparency
I’d like to be transparent about how I make my personal income.
I have vowed to donate 100% of my media income to nonprofits for life. This includes TV shows, documentaries, books, TV appearances, product promotions, etc. When it comes to any of these matters, I do not enter them for personal financial gain. I do not accept any payment and instead the funds are donated directly to nonprofits. This is all tracked here as well as below.
Since 2011, I have been working to demonetize my life and I have been mostly successful on this mission. I have committed to making very little money (no more than the federal poverty threshold per year) and having a very minimal financial net worth. (I update my net worth here.) I’ve intentionally designed my life to be as minimally involved with money as I can. Most of my life is based around relationships, skills and exchanges rather than money.
The way that I earn funds personally is by public speaking and teaching classes. I do public speaking first and foremost as a means to affect positive change, but public speaking is also a tool for raising funds. As I have the ability to earn more than I need, a majority of my speaking honorariums are donated to grassroots nonprofits. Funds raised for nonprofits via my public speaking can be viewed here. From 2016-2018, a majority of my speaking honorariums were donated to my former nonprofit, Happy Healthy and Free, for environmental projects. As of 2021, most of my speaking honorariums are being donated to my current nonprofit Regeneration, Equity and Justice. I have shared details on these nonprofits later on this page. Starting in 2023 I began hosting Foraging School to earn my personal funds as well as gratefully accepting contributions from supporters in the community during my walk from Canada to Los Angeles in 2024.
Here is a breakdown of how I have personally earned money since 2016.
Last updated January 15th, 2025.
2024 – $6,300 total earned. $3,100 from hosting Foraging School, $3,200 contributions from supporters.
2023 – $9,900 total earned from hosting Foraging Schools.
2022 – $8,600 total earned from public speaking ($2,000 event sponsored by Walden Farmacy in Birmingham, Alabama, $2,100 at San Diego State University, $2,300 at University of Wisconsin La Crosse, $2,300 at Morrill Lecture Series)
2021 – $9,000 total earned from public speaking ($5,000 Hatboro-Horsham School District, $2,000 Wells College, $2,000 Playtika company)
2020 – $0. I started the year off with about $6,000 left from 2019 and lived on that. I committed to not earning any money in 2020. I donated 100% of my speaking revenue to Indigenous and women-led nonprofits.
2019 – $9,670 total earned.
$7,600 from public speaking. ($1,000 CityWorks(X)po in Winterhaven, Florida, $600 Stetson College, $1,000 Northland College, $2,000 Western Technical College, $1,000 UW- Stevens Point and $2,000 UW- La Crosse
$2,070 Live Like Ally Foundation for administering environmental projects.
2018 – $8,000 total earned.
$3,000 from public speaking.
$5,000 Live Like Ally Foundation for administering environmental projects.
2017 – $5,000 total earned from public speaking.
2016 – $0 total earned. I had funds saved from previous years worked.
Prior to 2016 I ran The Greenfield Group, a marketing company I started in 2011 and ran until 2014. I did other sales at that time as well.
Gifts and Expenses Being Paid on my Behalf
As I have committed to maintaining a very small net worth, any physical gifts that I receive must be minimal. Details on my net worth commitments can be read here. I do not accept any gifts that would not adhere to my commitment to live simply and sustainably.
I am transparent with non-monetary contributions from corporate sources and they are documented on this page.
Basic expenses for transportation, food and lodging are often paid on my behalf when I am traveling for speaking engagements, media appearances, etc. I travel in basic economy seating. I avoid fancy lodging accommodations and generally stay with a member of the community I’m visiting when possible. I do not take part in lavish treatments that put my integrity at risk.
As I have dedicated much of myself to Earth and humanity, it is common for others to want to support me and share their gratitude. I am often given small gifts, taken out for meals and treated to experiences in the communities I visit. I happily accept these opportunities as long as there is no conflict of interest or compromise of my personal integrity.
Integrity in my Relationships with Companies
I’d like to be transparent about the financial relationships I have had with companies since I started walking this path in 2013, as well as my ethics on how I decide to work with companies.
I commit to practicing a deep level of integrity when working with companies. I do not accept money from companies in a way that compromises my integrity. I don’t have exact guidelines for this commitment, as each potential collaboration holds different circumstances, but I have shared some guidelines below. I practice transparency so that I can’t hide anything. I turn down a vast majority of financial opportunities because they must be aligned and in high integrity for me to accept them. I’ve received hundreds of emails and messages offering me free stuff or payment to promote stuff that doesn’t align with my mission. I’ve accepted less than 1% of opportunities offered.
The opportunities I do take with companies must serve the greater interest of my mission and in a manner that does not overly compromise my integrity. A key word that I use here is “overly.” My mission is to live in service to Earth, humanity and our plant and animal relatives and to utilize the resources I have available to me to be of highest service. There are circumstances where the conflict of integrity in working with a company is substantially outweighed by the positive contribution that can be made to Earth and humanity with the funds. I make decisions on a case-by-case basis. I do not always choose to adhere to my own personal standards of integrity with perfection when I am confident that the positive contribution for Earth and humanity outweighs the conflict with integrity. With each opportunity, I look at the big picture and analyze what is the best choice I can make to be of service as part of my decades-long strategy of leadership.
Here is an idea of what I look for when I decide whether to work with a company:
First and foremost, what is the mission of the company? Is their mission in alignment?
Can we work together to stand against systems of oppression and exploitation? Can we work together to contribute to equity, justice and regeneration for our communities of people, plants and animals?
What does the company do with their funds? Do they support initiatives that are equitable for Earth and humanity? Does their money go into oppressive, exploitative, extractive systems?
Does the company have a high level of environmental standards in their operation? This includes everything from the materials they use, to the factories that produce their stuff, to the packaging, etc.
Does the company provide a product or service that truly aids people in living a more sustainable and healthy life? Does the company practice greenwashing?
Does the company adhere to a high level of human rights in their practices – who creates their stuff, what communities are their factories located in, is there a fair living wage and do they honor their people, etc.? Slave labor, child labor, prison labor, unfair pay, etc. are not acceptable in a corporation for me to work with. Are the employees valued and treated well? Are they happy with the company?
Does the company lobby for or support laws that disempower people for the sake of profit?
Does the company have a meaningful practice of diversity, equity and inclusion?
Does the company have skeletons in their closet? Do they have a shady past?
Does the company prioritize consumerism over meeting people’s basic needs?
Does the company help me to live more sustainably and demonstrate to others how they can as well?
This list is not exhaustive, but provides an idea of what I take into account when looking at a company for a potential collaboration or partnership.
The simplest means of integrity I have created for myself is to work with companies which I would organically tell others about, because I truly believe in them. By adhering to this philosophy first and foremost, it is easier to make decisions for integrity and not let my integrity be compromised for financial or material gain.
Financial Relationships with Companies Transparency
The following is a record of all companies that I’ve worked with in a financial or material manner. I have shared what the exchange was, and generally why I decided to make the exchange. I have noted whether the relationship was directly with me as an individual or with a nonprofit that I work with:
Regeneration, Equity and Justice – my current nonprofit. (Abbreviated to REJ)
Happy, Healthy and Free – my former nonprofit from 2014-2019. (Abbreviated to HHF)
Live Like Ally Foundation – is a nonprofit I partnered with from 2018-2023. (Abbreviated as LLA)
A few notes:
I have never personally been paid to promote a product or service.
I list relationships that had a financial involvement of $100 or more.
When it comes to receiving material goods, I try to utilize imperfect items such as misprints, returned items and refurbished items. I try not to receive brand new items and instead utilize items that would otherwise go unused.
2024 Relationships
Personal: There are no personal financial relationships to report in 2024. I began accepting personal financial contributions from the community on my walk from Canada to Los Angeles and this has posed no issue to integrity, transparency or truth.
Nonprofit: As of 2024, we have entered into our deepest transparency yet, making our financial ledger publicly accessible. View our 2024 financial statement here. For a deeper analyzation, read: Have I Effectively Been of Service with Regeneration, Equity and Justice?
In late October 2024, we created an arrangement with a supporter of our work named David Schachter of Bay Area, California in which he is providing support by paying some of our expenses and doing our payroll directly. This is shown in detail in our public ledger.
2023 Relationships
Personal: There are no personal financial relationships to report in 2023.
Donations to Regeneration, Equity and Justice:
–Nullker made a donation of $5,000 and I produced a series of educational videos on how to live sustainably for their social media.
–Cultures of Resistance made a donation of $5,000 to support our Websites for the People program and Community Fruit Trees.
View the 2022-2023 REJ financial statement here.
2022 Relationships
My talk at UW-La Crosse in September 2022, which I was paid $2,300 for, was sponsored by Hilltoppers Recycling. I produced a video on them sharing their mattress recycling solution that keeps waste out of the landfills.
My talk in Birmingham, Alabama in July 2022, which I was paid $2,000 for, was sponsored by Walden Farmacy. I produced a video on them sharing their regenerative farm and apothecary.
Donations to Regeneration, Equity and Justice and Live Like Ally Foundation:
–Acer Laptops donated $32,700 to LLA. (04/23/22) I took part in a commercial with Acer Laptops and National Geographic (filmed in late 2021 and aired in 2022). I struggled very much with this decision and I still struggle with it today. I did this commercial because I believed that the service that I could provide to Earth, humanity and our plant and animal relatives, substantially outweighed the conflict of integrity of working with Acer, which I do not support. The commercial was for a laptop that is one of the most sustainable on the market, but I believe that Acer was doing a substantial amount of greenwashing, which I indirectly endorsed by taking part in this commercial. My hope is to find substantial funding for community initiatives that do not compromise my integrity at all, but I have not found this support yet.
–Vivobarefoot donated $5,000 to LLA for a social media promotion. (05/12/22) Vivobarefoot is a company with a mission very much in alignment with mine, providing an alternative to the many exploitative shoe companies that most people purchase from. Vivobarefoot had a campaign where the tags and shares of their promoted posts raised money for three climate projects led by Indigenous communities. Vivobarefoot’s campaign resulted in them donating $30,000 to these projects. Vivobarefoot is a company I recommend organically and support.
–The Goldman Environmental Prize donated $5,000 to LLA for a social media promotion. (05/25/22) The Goldman Environmental Prize honors the environmental achievements of grassroots leaders. The Prize recognizes individuals for their sustained and significant efforts to protect and enhance the natural environment, and seeks to inspire people to take actions to protect the natural world. I took part in this promotion to help create greater awareness of the inspirational stories of the winning, grassroots heroes. I support The Goldman Environmental Prize and find them to be of high integrity.
View the 2022-2023 REJ financial statement here.
2021 Relationships
Personal: There are no personal financial relationships to report in 2021.
Donations to Regeneration, Equity and Justice and Live Like Ally Foundation:
–EcoATM donated $5,000 to REJ for a social media promotion. (05/17/21) EcoATM is a program that repurposes and recycles electronics such as cellphones. The partnership was to raise awareness about their program to help more people recycle their electronic items and prevent them from being thrown away.
–Who Gives a Crap donated $3,000 to REJ for a social media promotion. (06/28/21) Who Gives a Crap is a toilet paper company that is more sustainable than most toilet paper options on the market and is genuinely on a mission for positive change. I took part in one of their advertisements to encourage people to switch to this more sustainable option. However, I generally encourage people to grow their own toilet paper, use bidets and other more sustainable options. See here.
–Geoff Lawton’s Permaculture Online donated $1,072 to REJ for sharing their online permaculture course on social media. (08/12/21) Permaculture is a practice that can regenerate Earth and society. This course is one of the many great courses available to educate and empower people to practice permaculture.
–PHADE biodegradable straws donated $8,500 to REJ for a social media promotion. (10/01/21) I shared this alternative to plastic straws. I do believe that it would be a very positive step forward if industry and society switched to this biodegradable alternative. However, I encourage people to use reusable items whenever possible and avoid disposable items, even compostable. There are also more sustainable options out there than this biodegradable straw, including reusable straws and compostable straws made of hay. This promotion was not in my highest integrity because this environmental solution is not a solution with the highest integrity, in my opinion.
–Action for Climate Emergency donated $2,000 to REJ for a social media promotion. (11/18/21) I did a video on YouTube encouraging people to “petition congress to pass a declaration of a climate emergency in order to unlock funds and resources to take bold, climate action.” I believe we must make drastic changes in our political systems if we have a chance at a quality future for humanity. We need to tackle change both from bottom up and top down. However, I generally encourage people to focus on individual and community action, rather than put their hope and energy in large governments that have shown very little desire to make the large changes we need. At high levels of government, it is difficult to see what is true, but overall I feel like this is an organization with high integrity working for meaningful change.
–Hay Straws donated $1,500 to REJ. (12/11/21) I am a colleague of the founders and their donation was first and foremost just to support our work, with no expectation of promotion.
–Vivobarefoot donated $5,000 to LLA for a social media promotion. (05/30/21) Vivobarefoot is a company with a mission very much in alignment with mine, providing an alternative to the many exploitative shoe companies that most people purchase from. I shared two campaigns for them. One was a health- focused movement raising awareness of the damaging effects of the shoe industry with a call to action for these companies to change. The other was educating on how industrial farming contributes to water acidification, algae blooms that choke out fresh waterways and the decimation of ecosystems and already vulnerable Indigenous people’s habitat.
–Brita donated $4,025 to LLA for a social media promotion. (11/15/21) The campaign was to encourage people to stop using plastic bottled water and to switch to the more sustainable option of reusable bottles, with one option being Brita’s filtering water bottles. I don’t believe that Brita is the option on the market with the highest environmental ethics for water filtering and purification, but I believe they are working to be part of the solution in a meaningful way with these reusable water bottles with filters and their initiatives to encourage the reduction of disposable bottled water.
–Wild Abundance donated $1,000 to LLA for a social media promotion. (11/30/21) Wild Abundance is an incredible school that teaches “practical skills for personal empowerment and community resilience, with deep respect for the natural world.” I hold this school in the highest integrity and am Dear Friends with the founder, Natalie Bogwalker.
–Alms App donated $2,000 to LLA for a social media promotion. (12/30/21) “Alms is a well-being social app for taking action in real life to feel better and get happier and live more sustainably”. I think this is a great alternative to mainstream social media for people to use.
-Pantry Films donated $10,000 to fund REJ in producing a series of short videos entitled “People Doing Good” (see a selection of short films here). Pantry films is run by Dan Keston in Los Angeles. They made this contribution because our missions align and they want to see people and initiatives in service to humanity getting the attention and promotion they need. We included the Pantry Films logo at the end of each video.
View the 2021 REJ financial statement here.
In-kind donations to Regeneration, Equity and Justice
In 2021, I started a community home to host a team of people in service to Earth and humanity. Numerous companies provided support through donations of material items.
–Chelsea Green Publishing donated about 40 books for our community library. Chelsea Green specializes in books on sustainable living. They have a high code of ethics and are a publishing company I highly respect and recommend.
–New Society Publishers donated about 40 books for our community library. New Society published my first book and they are one of the most sustainable and ethical publishing companies that I know of. I highly respect and recommend New Society.
–Berkey donated a water filter for our community house.
–Life Without Plastic donated some kitchen and bathroom items for our community house.
–Trobolo donated a compost toilet for our community house.
–Fillaree donated soap for our community house.
–Who Gives a Crap donated toilet paper for our community house.
–Tushy donated a bidet for our community house.
–Lomi provided us with a composting device to try.
–Johnny’s Seeds provides us with a wholesale discount for our seeds for Free Seed Project and also donates some of their extra stock. We have been partnering with Johnny’s on Free Seed Project since 2018.
2020 Relationships
Personal: There are no personal financial relationships to report in 2020.
Guerrilla Foundation (a nonprofit) donated $15,000 to co-produce a series of 15 videos. This was donated to a fiscal sponsor nonprofit (LINGO) that I partnered with to produce this series.
Vivobarefoot donated $5,000 to Winona’s Hemp Farm for a social media promotion. I use media and social media opportunities to raise funds for organizations I support. Learn more about that here. Vivobarefoot is a company with a mission very much in alignment with mine. This was a promotion of their marketplace that “revives, reconditions and resells worn and returned footwear from the brand” as well as raises awareness about over-consumption of footwear and clothing and lets people know that there are alternatives to the unethical shoe companies out there.
2019 Relationships
No financial relations to report.
2018 Relationships
Life Without Plastic supplied me with different items to live a plastic-free, zero-waste life and teach others. Items included completely biodegradable toothbrushes and dental floss, biodegradable tape, reusable containers and a charcoal water filter.
The retail value was $200 or less. Some of what they supplied me was used products and returns.
I shared some of these products on social media because I believe that people will be able to benefit from these items in living a more sustainable life. I made a video about Life Without Plastic earlier in the year, before this exchange. I’ve become friends with the founders of the company, and we support each other’s missions.
Abeego supplied me with beeswax food wraps.
The retail value was less than $100. They sent me their mis-cuts that couldn’t be sold.
I made a post on social media about these beeswax food wraps because this is a great way to reduce disposable plastic usage.
ONNO supplied me with about eight T-shirts.
The retail value was $240, however, I asked for used shirts and they primarily supplied me with ones they used for models and couldn’t sell.
There is no formal agreement, just to organically promote their T-shirts.
This was part of my transition to all-natural fiber clothes and away from plastic clothes (polyester, nylon, etc.). I searched the internet and ONNO was one of the most ethical and sustainable (while still being affordable) clothing companies I could find.
Berkey supplied me with a water filter.
The retail value was $240. It was a “scratch and dent” unit.
The agreement was to organically promote Berkey through using the filter at my tiny house and to make a post on social media.
Berkey is one of the most sustainable and affordable quality water filters on the market. I had one of their filters at my tiny house in San Diego that I had purchased and had been telling people about them for a few years already. I reached out to them to say that I was already spreading the word about them and would love it if they could supply me with a Berkey for my new place. They said yes. I would have purchased one if they said no and would still be telling people about them.
Read my post about the Berkey filter here.
(Update: I donated the filter to Sustainable Kashi in November 2019.)
HomeBioGas supplied me with a food waste biodigester.
The retail value was $650. We agreed they would provide me with a used system, but they brought me a new one.
There was no formal agreement of exchange, but the idea was for people to learn about it through visiting my tiny house and seeing it in my videos. This biodigester turns food waste into cooking fuel, and it is a great tool to inspire people to live more sustainably.
(Update: I donated the biodigester to Sustainable Kashi in November 2019.)
Fortified Bike supplied me with a bicycle and a few accessories.
The retail value was about $560.
They sent me a returned model and a few accessories.
They wrote to me one day and asked if I’d like a bike. They didn’t ask for anything in return. I needed a bike because I was auctioning my bamboo bike to raise funds to buy bikes for kids. This company doesn’t adhere to any environmental ethics that I know of, but they are a small bike company, and they are trying to get more people riding bikes. It wasn’t an ideal match, but it was decent.
(Update: I gifted the bike and accessories to a deserving person in November 2019.)
Piteba Press supplied me with an oil press.
The retail value was around $130.
I made a post on social media about them in return. This press is a great tool for living more self-sufficiently and something many people could benefit from in gaining freedom from the industrial food system.
(Update: I donated the press to Conscious Space in November 2019.)
2017 Relationships
GoSun donated $400 to Happy Healthy and Free and later in 2018 supplied me with two different solar stoves.
The retail value was $700. They supplied me with a refurbished unit.
I produced a video about them because I think this is a great way to inspire others to switch to alternative energy and get people thinking about alternatives to the fossil fuel industry. The $400 donated to Happy Healthy and Free was used to produce more nonprofit videos.
(Update: I donated the stoves to Sustainable Kashi in November 2019.)
2016 Relationships
I raised money through Happy Healthy and Free to produce the Trash Me short film including from:
Goal Zero donated $1,000. There was no exchange. They were simply supporting the project and were listed as a sponsor.
BBTV donated $4,000. They are a media company that I have worked with to produce a video series called People are Good. They were listed as a sponsor of the videos and could use the content on their own channels as well.
Note: Some people have asked whether any company paid to have their product displayed in my trash suit. The answer is no. There were a lot of visible brands in the trash suit because I was living the average American life and consuming like the average American. That’s what was on display.
Xero Shoes supplied me with a pair of shoes and sandals.
The retail value was approximately $150.
The agreement was loose and that I would write a review, I believe. I never wrote a review because I felt the shoes didn’t work well for me (even though I’ve been wearing the sandals for four years).
2015 Relationships
Endless Sun Solar supplied me with a solar panel and battery for my tiny house.
The retail value was around $500.
In exchange, I did a video review of the solar panel.
The Grayl supplied me with a water filter. I think they sent me two.
The retail value was under $100.
I don’t recall there being an agreement. Likely organic promotion just by using it.
2014 Relationships
Patagonia in San Diego supplied me with a few items of clothing for my Share My Way Home trip.
The retail value was around $200 or less.
There was no agreement. Patagonia supports a lot of sustainability-focused initiatives without expecting anything in return. Patagonia is a company I have tremendous respect for. I’ve been a supporter of theirs long before they ever supported me. I will continue to support them regardless of any relationship I have with them.
Eleven companies sponsored my second bike ride across the USA – The Goodfluence Tour. They were all product sponsors. No financial contributions were made. I don’t remember the exact sponsorship value but have made estimates below.
Dr. Bronner’s, SmartKlean, Sparse, Scrubba, Brush with Bamboo, and Kala sponsored me with $100 or less in products.
Goal Zero, GT’S Kombucha, Klean Canteen sponsored me with between $100 and $250 in products.
Patagonia in San Diego, California sponsored me with about $900 worth of clothes.
The return for these companies was listing them as sponsors and organic promotion of their products through social media and media.
2013 Relationships
About eleven companies sponsored my first bike ride across the USA – Off the Grid Across the USA. They were all product sponsors. No financial contributions were made. I don’t remember the exact sponsorship value but have made estimates below.
Dr. Bronner’s, neat-os, Dinkum Systems and Bokashi Earth sponsored me with $100 or less in products.
Kala Brand Music, Drips Water, and PowerPot sponsored me with between $100 and $250 in products.
Goal Zero sponsored me with around $750 to $1,000 in products.
Bamboosero sponsored me with a bamboo bicycle. The value of this was around $2,000. As part of the agreement, I raised $2,000 through my bike ride for the worldbike nonprofit to help bring bicycles to people in Africa to supply sustainable transportation and entrepreneurial opportunities.
The return for these companies was listing them as sponsors and organic promotion of their products through social media and media.
Happy Healthy and Free video production relation to businesses
Guerrilla Foundation (a nonprofit) donated $5,000 to co-produce a series of 10 videos on sustainability initiatives across Europe.
Onya donated $400 after HHF produced a video titled It’s Time to Ditch Plastic Produce Bags. This donation was made to support HHF video production and was not part of any agreement. They made the donation after the video was released. The funds were used to produce nonprofit videos.
Landpack donated $500 to HHF after we filmed a video there. They wanted to support HHF video production and this donation was not part of any agreement. The funds were used to produce nonprofit videos.
Nicholas Schwarz Design donated $500 to HHF in exchange for producing a video about his business of turning wasted pallets into furniture. The funds were used to produce nonprofit videos.
Regeneration, Equity and Justice
Regeneration, Equity and Justice was formed in December 2020. It is the nonprofit I formed to carry out much of my service.
REJ’s financial statements are shared here (at the bottom of the page).
This a summary of gross receipts based on 199N filings:
2024 – ~$82,000
2023 – ~$51,000
2022 – $56,267
2021 – $46,687
2020 – $5,000
Live Like Ally Foundation
Live Like Ally Foundation was a partner nonprofit from 2018-2023. Learn about our service together here. LLA provided funding for our community programs. Some of this funding was donated to REJ to use, but most of the financial transactions were done directly through LLA. They also serve as the equivalent of a fiscal sponsor and all funds donated to them were used for our community programs.
Happy Healthy and Free
Happy Healthy and Free was a nonprofit that I started in 2014 as a tool for affecting positive change and operated until it closed in good standing in June 2019. I closed the nonprofit to simplify my work and collaborate with other nonprofits instead. lLearn more about Happy Healthy and Free here.
A majority of the funds of HHF were spent on video production, Trash Me campaign, Green Riders, fruit tree planting, bikes for kids, programs including Community Fruit Trees and Free Seed Project and paying independent contractors for work.
A majority of incoming funds were from public speaking donations, Patreon, a grant from Live Like Ally Foundation, Green Riders fundraiser, bikes for kids fundraiser, Trash Me fundraiser, and the Dumpster Divers Defense Fund fundraiser.
This a summary of gross receipts based on 199N filings:
2018-2019 – $9,009.59
2017-2018 – $36,963.58
2016-2017 – $32,000
2015-2016 – $4,688
2014-2015 – $6,600
Total lifetime receipts of Happy Healthy and Free nonprofit: $89,261.