Support Our Mission

We welcome you to support our grassroots nonprofit’s service to Earth!

With each book, seed package and plant we distribute, our mission is furthered regardless of financial contribution.

At the same time, we are experimenting with the gift economy, providing all items on a sliding scale donation basis, dreaming to make our service financially sustainable through your contributions. We encourage you to provide the financial support you can, and if you do not have funds to support, we fully welcome you to place your order with the commitment of utilizing these resource to create more harmony in your life and on Earth. Our experiment is to see if those with financial means will contribute enough so that we can be of effective service to those who lack financial means to contribute, but will benefit greatly from access to these resources.

We are not for profit. We are not a shop or business. We offer only on a donation basis. This is part of our service.  We request your compassion and patience with our small team. Learn more about Regeneration, Equity and Justice here

Note: All funds support our mission. Robin does not receive any of these funds.  Learn about Robin’s vows and financial commitments here. For over a decade as a public figure Robin has resisted distributing any items in a monetary manner and has provided everything as freely as possible. We have created this platform as of 2024 as an experiment in supporting our work in a manner of high integrity. Robin wishes for this experiment to be beneficial to all involved, with no financial gain on his part. 

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