Trash Me! – Take Action

Robin Greenfield walking the street wearing a trash suit.
ActivismEnvironmentResource ConservationTips and How To'sZero Waste

Robin doesn’t normally create 4.5 pounds of trash per day. In fact he lives a near zero waste lifestyle outside of Trash Me. Check out this video that shows how he manages to fit an entire 30 days worth of trash into just a one-gallon zip lock bag!

In the trash filled society that we live in today, it may seem impossible to go zero waste but with the right mindset it is totally possible to live near zero waste.

Here’s how you can live a near zero waste lifestyle like many other people around the world:

Refuse! When someone passes you something wrapped in trash just say no. Just because it’s free doesn’t mean that you need it, so turn down the freebies if you don’t actually need it. Freebies are often cheap crap that will end up in your trash sooner rather than later. This will take some guts but if you want to live a completely trash free lifestyle you’re going to need some guts!

Reduce! A zero waste lifestyle is as much of a mindset as it is practical actions. In fact transitioning to a zero waste lifestyle really begins with a change of mindset. The most important word in this lifestyle is reduce. By reducing your needs and your consumption you will automatically see a huge drop in the amount of trash you are creating. Ask yourself, “Do I really need this or do I just want this?” Robin recommends simplifying your life if you want to be truly successful with a zero waste life. However, you can still reduce your waste drastically even without fully simplifying your life.

Reuse! Always think reuse. How can you use something again rather than disposing of it? Try not to just reuse something once or twice, instead think reuse forever! Repurpose fits right into reuse as well. For example, if you find an old dresser that someone’s throwing out and you’re in need of a raised garden bed to grow some food, just lay it in your yard, fill it up with soil, and get planting!

Repair! Rather than tossing out those pants with a rip in it or the toaster with a stuck lever, just repair them! Sew up a rip in your clothes, get your shoes resoled, patch your bike tubes, and bring your electronics into a repair shop. The list could go on forever of the things you can repair rather than getting a new one. Because of planned obsolescence a lot of what we buy breaks in a ridiculously short amount of time and it is sometimes cheaper just to buy a new one because of our throw away society. So it may take some diligence to repair rather than toss things out.

Recycle! Once you’ve exhausted your options with reduce, reuse, and repair, then lastly recycle. Even though recycling doesn’t end up in your garbage can it’s important to try to minimize this as well since recycling is a very resource intensive process. Of course, recycling is far better than throwing stuff in the trash though. If you aren’t already recycling you can drastically reduce your trash just by recycling everything that you can. Check with your city what can actually be recycled and be dedicated to recycling everything that can be recycled.

With those basics zero waste tenets in mind, here are Robin’s top twelve tips to get your trash down from 4.5 pounds of trash per day (that’s what the average US American creates) to a ziplock bag per week or month! But remember every little bit counts whether you jump right into zero waste or start with just ditching plastic bags.

Compost! This is a simple one that just about anyone can do. Food waste makes up a pretty big chunk of most people’s trashcans and simply by composting you’ll be able to decrease your trash by a lot. It can be done in very small spaces or you can compost at your community garden or a vacant lot if you don’t have space at home. Check out Robin’s composting guide for tips and to learn how to get started!

Say no to one-time use items! There is a waste free alternative for any one-time use items you may currently be using. Switch out bottled water for a reusable bottle and an at home water purifier. Ditch paper towels and napkins for cloth napkins that you can wash. Carry a hand towel with you so that you don’t have to use any paper towels while you’re out. Use a handkerchief instead of kleenex. In the kitchen replace seran wrap and tin foil with glass or metal storage containers. Even feminine products have a waste free alternative called a Diva cup or Mooncup, or reusable pads. The list could go on and on but so be resourceful and figure out a waste free alternative. The resource section at the bottom is where you can go for more details like this though.

Buy unpackaged food! Find a store in your area that has a bulk section. That way you can bring your own containers and fill up on all the bulk items like rice, pasta, nuts, seeds, cereal, flour, sugar, etc. Buy fruits and veggies that are unpackaged as well. You can make a lot of this easier by growing your own food or shopping at the farmers market. This is one of the greatest ways to eat well too, because whole foods are typically far healthier than packaged, processed foods.

Bring your own! Leave your house prepared for the day so that you don’t have to fall into making trash. Carry a reusable water bottle to use if you’re ordering a drink to go or to avoid bottled water. Bring your own dishes and utensils if you’re eating at a restaurant that uses disposable items or if you’re going to a party with trashy options. Bring your own bags or boxes to the store. If you like straws you can bring your own bamboo or steel straw to the party or the bar.

Refill! Join the refill revolution and refill anything that comes in a bottle. You can refill laundry detergent, dish or hand soap, personal body care items, household cleaning products, and so much more. Find a local co-op or bulk store in your area where you can do this. If you can’t find one of these near you then the next tip is for you.

Make your own! The more stuff you make on your own typically the less trash you will create. You can make your own toothpaste, body moisturizer, laundry detergent, and cleaning products for example but the list here could go on for days.

Purchase used stuff! Most things you buy at the store come in packaging so buying things used on craigslist or at thrift stores is a great way to avoid this form of waste. Another great thing to do is trade with your neighbors and friends for the stuff you need. There is a good chance that what you need is sitting around in the house of someone you know.

Buy quality stuff! repairing is one tenant to go near zero waste but you can prevent having to repair your stuff by buying quality products in the first place. It’s worth spending the little bit of extra money to get something that will last a lifetime or a decade rather than a few months.

Take care of your stuff! This is actually the most challenging aspect of zero waste living for me, but taking care of your stuff will help you to create a lot less trash. Simply do your best to make your stuff last longer by using it correctly and taking good care of it. When you know what you’re doing is not right, stop doing it and fix the situation. For example, if your bike tire is rubbing the frame of your bike in a weird way figure out the problem before it gets worse and you break your whole bike. This example applies to anything, whether it be your car, washing machine, or your jeans dragging on the ground.

Be grateful! Rather than feeling like you always need the newest version and trying to “keep up with the Jones’s” just be grateful for what you do have. If you are reading this blog, then you are a lucky person to be where you are. The truth is you probably have everything you NEED and if you don’t, what you probably need is not more stuff, but more friendship, love, connection, experiences, activities, or something of the like.

Make trash inconvenient! One summer Robin decided to bike across the United States and he made a rule that he had to carry every piece of trash with him that he created. Because of this he managed to create just two pounds of trash in 104 days. Here’s a photo of the trash when he arrived in Vermont:Zero Waste 2

He knew that if he had lived like the average US American on his bike ride he would have been miserable. When he got home, he started to make trash again so he decided to get rid of trashcans in his house. Both of these ideas made him reduce his trash drastically because it became a burden on him to create trash.

Monitor your trash!  This one really should come first because if you don’t know what trash you are creating then how are you ever going to stop making it? When you decide that you want to live a waste free lifestyle take a look in your trashcan and see what’s in there. Then simply follow all the guidelines in this blog and the resource section to find an alternative.

Besides changing your own actions to reduce your trash a key way to make big change to join up with others to flex your Citizen Muscle. Here’s a few ways you can do that!
Here are just a few examples:
Join The Story of Stuff Stop Plastic Campaign to help stop global plastic pollution at the source. Demand that companies take back the waste they make. Help push for strong regulation of fossil-fueled plastics production.
Write your city council to urge them to adopt a zero waste policy, like San Francisco’s.
Help Redesign waste! Head over to the People’s Design Lab to vote on products most in need of a redesign.
Want to become a greater part of the movement but aren’t sure what to do?

With a slight change of mind it’s all pretty simple stuff. Living a zero waste lifestyle will most likely save you a ton of money, increase your health and happiness, and drastically reduce your negative impact on the earth. It will take a lot of practice and it’s a continual process jumping from stepping stone to stepping stone.
Use the following resources for all the little details of going near zero waste as well as for more inspiration and viewpoints on living a trash free life!


Robin’s Sustainable Living Series covers all forms of waste including food, water, energy, trash, and transportation. Check out this episode on trash that explains the problem in an easy to understand way and give some inspiring solutions.

The Story of Stuff has been one of my greatest inspirations since I first woke up in 2011 to the trash I was making. Their short film is an absolute must watch for anyone who wishes to understand the problem and be a part of the solution. Their Facebook page is an awesome resource of information and inspiration.

Trash is for Tossers is a website by Lauren Singer that helps you to live a near zero waste lifestyle. All of the trash she has created in the last two years fits into a mason jar. She’s pretty incredible and this blog is a seriously helpful tool for anyone who wants to create less trash. Follow Lauren and Trash is For Tossers On Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube!

Zero Waste Home is the zero waste life of Bea Johnson and her family. This website has a plethora of information and will answer just about any question you have about living zero waste. Follow Bea Johnson and Zero Waste Home on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube!

We Hate to Waste is an excellent website and community that teaches and inspires a no-waste mindset. This is a great resource for anyone who wants to live in a less wasteful world Follow them on Facebook and Twitter!

Life Without Plastic is “The one-stop shop for safe, high quality, ethically-sourced, Earth-friendly alternatives to plastic products for everyday life” You can get everything you need for a lifestyle that creates less trash!

Also check out Robin’s guide: How to Live a Near Zero Waste Life.

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