Free Seed Project Grows to Switzerland via Lucas, an Inspired Local

A man posing with a plant.
-Food SovereigntyGrowing FoodLive Like AllyLiving in Service and VolunteeringOur Dear Friends in Service to Earth and HumanitySustainable Living

The Free Seed Project may only be available inside of the United States for now, but folks all across the world are finding inspiration from this movement! Lucas, a Switzerland native, created a local free seed project in his community called “Samenspende” after learning about our program. Continue reading to learn of Lucas’ great transformative story full of enthusiasm and inspiration.

Hi there! My name is Lucas. I am a former bank manager and my goal in life was to be successful and get rich. I was very focused on myself and didn’t care too much about the environment and others. But then something hit me and my way of living didn’t make sense to me anymore. So I started to change. I changed to a healthier and more sustainable diet, I started to live minimalist and I generally started a simpler life. I quit my job and moved to a permaculture farm in Morocco and traveled with a donkey through the mountains. I learned everything about the permaculture lifestyle and how I can produce my own organic food in a sustainable and regenerative way. This step was like a rebirth for me. It felt like my life now just started, and that my life before was lived by somebody else, but not me.

I am back in Switzerland now and currently living in a suburban house with a large garden. We just transformed a big piece of lawn into a vegetable garden and we hope to harvest the most incredible veggies this year. My goal is to inspire people to go on a similar path. To take a step back, live a simpler life, and to start producing their own food. My vision is that people get outside, get their hands dirty, and be connected with nature again.

Robin Greenfield was always and still is a big inspiration on the path I am going right now. The Free Seed Project by Robin & the Live Like Ally Foundation, in my opinion, should be available in every country around the world. Because producing your own food can give so much joy and gratitude and it has a long term impact on our society. That is why I started the project “Samenspende”. It’s a project where I distribute free seed packages all around Switzerland. People can order their seeds online and then also get information on basic knowledge about gardening in a natural and sustainable way.

I feel the positive movement in our society and I know that we are moving in the right direction. This gives me the motivation to go on and do the right thing.

Lucas traveling with a donkey


A student of Permaculture, Lucas holds up a hand-painted sign demonstrating the 12 Principles of Permaculture
Lucas holding up a bundle of greens
Lucas touting a very important message on his hand-dyed shirt: Mulch!
Lucas standing next to a hugelkultur mound he co-created, topped with green manure/mulch

It is no doubt that if the world was filled with more people carrying the same motivation and enthusiasm as Lucas that our global society as we know it would look significantly different. To learn more about Lucas and his Switzerland-based seed project, visit his blog. To learn more about Live Like Ally’s projects visit their website. “Like” Live Like Ally’s Facebook page and follow @live_like_ally on Instagram for inspirational posts and to stay up to date with their latest projects.

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