Update on Share My Way Home!

Robin Greenfield Crushing Cans.

I am still in Panama City where I’m trying to make about $100 to keep me out of dangerous situations on the trek home through Central America.

So far I’ve collected 470 cans, pawned things I’ve found on the streets and in garbage cans (electronics, bottle of rum, and cigarettes), was paid for an English conversation, unsuccessfully attempted tour sales, stopped in at a modeling agency, and have posted on dozens of forums.

I’ve scrounged together $36 and I think I’m making about $1/ hour. In the city most of my food has come from eating rice and beans off trays at mall food courts and the rest from nice people buying me simple beans, rice, and plantains.

The tap water here is clean so that has been a non-issue. I’m staying with some really nice people from Kalu Yala which has made this adventure so much easier.

I’ll be leaving here this weekend with or without the $100 and heading towards Costa Rica. I’ll be staying with a few people I’ve met on the internet.

It’s certainly challenging and a bit rough, but when I get down I remember how grateful I am just to be on this earth and then I get stoked again.

Love to you and the whole world from Panama,


Update: Here is the short film made from the cameras of the people I met along the way. 


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