Alexis Nikole Nelson, AKA Black Forager and Robin Greenfield
Alexis Nikole Nelson, also known as Black Forager, is inspiring millions of people to rethink their relationship to the plant world. She has caught the internet by storm and all across the nation and the world more people are finding food and medicine growing freely and abundantly around them because of her influence.
Her love and passion for the plants and Earth is truly contagious and I hear Alexis Nikole’s voice in my head often as I think of different plants. Her work is also influencing many people to think critically on the intersection of environmentalism and racism. Personally I became aware of botanical racism through her. She is boldly bringing these important messages to so many.
We finally connected at the Midwest Wild Harvest Festival in 2023. We actually met there in 2022 as we were both keynoting the event, but only really connected in 2023. Alexis shared with me that she was influenced by my activism long before she was using social media to educate on foraging. We spent some time brainstorming of how to be of service to humanity and our plant relatives together. Expect to see us together in the years to come!
Follow Alexis Nikole on Facebook, Instagram @blackforager, TikTok and YouTube.
Support Alexis Nikole on her Patreon
Alexis Nikole Nelson Is Making #ForagerTikTok Our Favorite Place to Be