Goodbye Bank Account

Robin Greenfield holding a piece of paper with a few of them flying in front of him.
Forget Money / Demonetize LifeFreedomRobin’s TransformationSimple Living

Goodbye bank account. For about four years now I have been working to free myself of the monetary system and this is a huge step forward. I am not completely free, but on most days I don’t even think about money anymore. Most money I do deal with is not for my own needs but to help grassroots environmental work. Each day I am striving towards real happiness, health and freedom and a life of deep truth.

I have written this blog with the deeper philosophy of why I did this along with answers to frequently asked questions

In October of 2014, I took my money out of the big banks and switched to a local credit union (Read: Why I Switched to a Local Credit Union). Prior to that, I had taken all my money out of investments that were causing environmental and human destruction. In summer of 2014, I canceled my last credit card (Read: 11 Reasons I Canceled My Credit Cards).

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