How to add Community Fruit Trees to the Map
Here are instructions for adding your trees to the Community Fruit Trees to the map through Falling Fruit once you’ve planted them. The breakdown follows prompts on the site in order:
- Types* – search and select the tree variety (i.e. elderberry), search and select “Community Fruit Trees”. This must be done for the tree to show up on the Community Fruit Trees map.
- Position* – search an address to get the marker in a general area, then input the Latitude and Longitude (can be found using a pin on falling fruit map directly or in google earth)
- Your name – add yours/your organization name should you wish
- Description: please paste the following
“Date Planted: XX/XX/20XX. Tree will likely not fruit for a couple years from date of planting.
This is a Community Fruit Tree. Community Fruit Trees are publicly owned fruit trees that are easily accessible for anyone to pick from.
To learn more about Community Fruit Trees visit
Community Fruit Trees is a grassroots project led by Robin Greenfield and the Live Like Ally Foundation.”
- Season – select no season, Update when fruiting
- Access – select appropriate option
That’s it! Thank you for your support in making this map an incredible resource for folks all over the nation! It is such a fun time to explore communities through their freely edible goods, Community Fruit Trees are to be enjoyed!
Please let us know if you have any questions or need any support in an email to; We are here for you!