As an act of civil disobedience I will not pay federal Income taxes for my lifetime

A Fresh PerspectiveConsciousnessForget Money / Demonetize LifeIntentional LivingJustice and EqualityLiving in Service and VolunteeringRobin’s Financials and Commitments

In light of the news of our current presidents avoidance of paying federal income tax, it is a relevant time for me to share my personal commitments in regards to federal income tax.

An an act of civil disobedience, I have vowed since 2015 to not pay federal income taxes for the rest of my life.

My reasons for not paying federal income taxes are the antithesis of our current presidents and based solely on truth, justice and equity, not dishonesty and selfishness.

I do this for the benefit of the US American people, not for my own benefit or financial wealth.

I do this for the benefit of humanity, as I do not prescribe to any notion that US Americans or the United States are any more important than any other human, society or nation.

I have designed an alternative tax system that I adhere to where 100% of my media revenue is donated directly to grassroots work that truly serves the people, not the wealthy.

I do this to distribute my resources to aid in improving our communities and our society, not wage war, build prisons and over-police our people.

I do this completely legally, via voluntary simplicity. I have committed for my lifetime to living below the federal poverty threshold, thus not qualifying to pay federal taxes.

I do this with complete transparency, not dishonesty. I publish all information on my website and update yearly.

Some will read this and write me off as a mooch to the system. But in order to do that they would have to refuse to really read my words and see my actions. They would have to look through a very narrow frame of reference. I don’t pay federal income taxes, but I will contribute far more to the betterment of society than most will through paying taxes. I have alternatively redistributed my funds at approximately a 70% tax rate since 2015. I refuse to let my work, resources and funds be used to act in injustice, inequity and destruction. Under good consciousness I have removed myself from the broken parts of our system and replaced them with systems and strategies that create equity and justice and regenerate our Earth and humanity.

You can read more about my commitments and actions here.

Read: My Lifetime Commitment to Not Pay Federal Income Taxes


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