Design the Robin Press Robin Bird


Update: I have selected this robin created by artist Alissa Hansen, painted traditionally using watercolor and ink on cotton watercolor paper.

A message from Alissa: “I am reminded that the little things in life are often the sweetest. This diminutive watercolor robin means more to me than his small stature might suggest. Symbolizing spring, hope, forward motion, and simplicity, he stands cheerfully beside a bright dandelion, a sign of nature’s abundance. I am truly honored and grateful to have my design chosen to represent Robin Press, the grassroots nonprofit publishing company created by Robin Greenfield. Thank you, Robin for this opportunity for creative reciprocity. You are a light, a listener, a compassionate teacher, a student of the earth, and an inspiration to many.


Dear Friends!

I am seeking a robin bird design that I will use to represent Robin Press, the grassroots nonprofit publishing company I am starting.

The robin bird will appear on the binding and the back of my upcoming book, Food Freedom. This photo shows a placeholder of the robin on the book cover.

I am sharing this opportunity with the community for anyone who would find joy in contributing to my mission by using their art and graphic design skills. I am accepting submissions, and the artist that I choose will receive $100 and inclusion in the gratitude section of the Food Freedom book.

The deadline for submission is March 22nd, one of the first days of spring, when the robin returns to bring joy after a long winter.

Submit your designs on this google doc and by email to

My work is published under creative commons and this graphic will be public domain. Learn more here.

Here are the guidelines for creating a robin in alignment with what I am seeking

  • When someone looks at the robin, they would clearly see that it is a robin and not be confused or unclear as to what type of bird it is.
  • A simple, upright design with no other elements than the bird itself like the first photo below and the template on the book cover.
  • Natural look, rather than cartoon. I’d like it to look as much like a robin as possible.
  • I am seeking the robin to resemble the American male robin. Learn about the difference between male and female here. The British robin is quite different from the American robin.
  • Think of the return of spring, dandelions on the greening grass and the robin joyously on the grass, searching for worms.
  • I’m open to sketch or computer generated, but will not use a robin that was generated with AI. Please do not submit any image where AI was used.
  • Color, not black and white.
  • This is very small. The book is 6×9 inches and you can see the size of the robin bird on the cover.
  • Please submit as a simple JPG file for initial viewing.

This is the iconic robin that I am hoping for:

This photo shows the entire robin, which I thought may be helpful:

More photos to guide you on creating the robin that I love:

Submitted Designs:

Update: I have selected a design which you can see here:

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